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Module 1: Problem Solving 101

The National Association of Colleges and Employers ranks problem-solving skills as the #1 attribute employers seek on a candidate’s resume. In this instructional segment, students will begin by reviewing basic problem-solving strategies like trial and error and step by step algorithms that humans have used to solve problems for millenia, and then learn about different problem solving heuristics used in technical workplaces that can be applied to any complex problem. Students will have opportunities to reflect on their successes and struggles throughout the module - a routine that will continue throughout the entire course. The foundations of effective and respectful team communication - a must-have skill in this project based course and any workplace - will be developed in this module through icebreaker activities and fast paced building challenges.


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Lecture Slides

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Reflection Journals

100 Numbers

Initial assessment


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Bridge Challenge: Construct the Connection!

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